Tropical Weather

Tropical Storm Hermine

What was Invest 90L then updated to TD Ten has now been upgraded to Tropical Storm Hermine. Overnight, TS Hermine started to head N which did give it a little more breathing space to develop. It is still forecast to make the turn toward the NW but when that turn will happen is still unclear. The track for Hermine has shifted right from the previous one and this places TS Hermine right again the Mexico/Texas border. TS Hermine has a very ragged CDO(Central Dense Overcast), but unless it start to make the turn to the NW, the CDO should begin to have a better overall appearance. Additional strengthening is forecast but I don’t think it will have enough time to become a minimal hurricane even though the SST’s are in the 30°C-31C° range. I do believe the forecast track will need to be adjusted slightly to the right again as the ridging over the northern Gulf has been slow in coming.

Visible Satellite image of TS Hermine
IR Satellite image of TS Hermine
Water Vapor Satellite imagery
Models for TS Hermine
Tropical Weather

Tropical Depression Ten

Invest 90L has now been upgraded to a depression this evening with the 11PM advisory. TD Ten is favorable for some intensification till land interaction will restrict further development. At the moment TD Ten in headed NW to NNW. There is some disagreement between the models as to when the left turn will occur. A ridging will be developing over the northern Gulf of Mexico. All models are in agreement on this scenario.

Satellite image of TD-10
Visible Satellite image of TD-Ten
Models for TD-Ten